
Welcome to Whiteboards and More.  I hope you find this webpage helpful for integrating technology into your classroom.  


The Calendar has updated county and school information.

The Subject Area contains links to Symbaloo.  These are sites that can assist in the classroom planning and lessons.

The Favorites has links to my favorite activities in the classroom.

How About has links to upcoming events and holidays.

Downloads contains helpful tips and sheets to use in the classroom.

Technology Request is a link to connect to me when you might need assistance in the class.

BC Scrolling is the form to complete when you would like an event posted to Channel 19 scrolling.  Upcoming Team events are great for scrolling.

Use this link to help you get started on your Classroom Technology Journey    

  20 Essential Vocabulary Terms Teachers Should Know

If there is anything that you would like posted or would like to share, please let me know.

Thank you,

Laura Brown